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CIRCLE OF SISTERS I left my house late Saturday afternoon, heading for the Javits Center, for my first exposure to the Circle of Sisters fourth annual expo, sponsored by WLIB/WBLS. I didn’t know what to expect as I paid my admission fee and entered the venue, my daughter, (girlfriend, as one person at the gate addressed her) Adenike beside me. There were many vendors around, many catering to the female, with various health and beauty aids, clothing, books, financial and health information, and items for the house. The two sponsoring stations provided live broadcast. If you needed Shea Butter, still in the calabash mold, or black soap, then you needed to be at the Circle of Sisters.
As I walked up and down the aisles, I was drawn to a vendor displaying his collection of African attires. I took a card, promising to check out his store to buy some items I was interested in.
Brothers with bulging muscles and glossed skins were encouraging people to get into fitness training as part of the Hip Hop culture.
Walking some more, I entered an auditorium and a gospel choir was on stage
performing. I decided to stick around, having walked out all of the aisles.
There was a break and the MC for the event, Dr. Bob Lee
Kelly Rowland came and stage and did a brief performance, singing her songs and closing with her hit single, "Dilemma."
Avant was on stage next, electrifying the audience with his songs and body movements. The ladies were screaming and singing along as Avant sang one song after another. His dancers added to the excitement as they gyrated and moved as the ladies waved in appreciation. His performance was hot and wet, his shirt now off his body, giving the ladies something else to scream about. He couldn’t seem to give enough though as he returned to the stage one time more to sing another of his popular songs, including "Don’t Say No, Just Say Yes."
When Avant took the stage, I wasn’t sure who he was, but when I left the venue, I was humming to his songs as I climbed the stairs and went out in the cool evening to wait for the bus.
Mi deh yah now! Reggaedis |
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