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Let me get to the point before my time runs out.  Irie Jamboree 2k6 was advertised, well advertised.  The patrons all came out and supported the event.  The park was jammed.  The artists were on stage, them bands too but, somewhere in Roy Wilkins Park on Sunday, September 3, the hype didn't live up to its expectation.  The overall reasons:

1)  Too much band change!

2)  Too much talking!

3)  The stage too damn far away!

4)  The time factor!

Too much band change.  Too many artist a come with their one, one band.  So, last year we had band changes but the flow was much smoother.  The fillers or commercials were supposed to fill the time.  Band a change, an act is providing some diverting entertainment.  They tried but if you put the act on stage to divert, let them divert.  Voice Mail, Ding Dong, Ms. Kitty and the music a get rush off the stage and still the band no ready yet.


Too much taking.  Give the filler acts a chance to do their thing.  We heard enough about the after parties, the sponsors and not enough about the paying patrons.


The stage too damm far away. The double link fence was an insult.  Though close to the second fence but still too far away from the stage, it seem like seh the show was only fi the people between the stage and the first fence. A no dem did pay fi come in.  I like to feel like the artist is connecting to the audience.


Because of the time.  That or something similar was the expression of the event.  When I got on the line Mr. Vegas was on stage.  Entered the park about 4:30.  This was an eleven hour event.  The performances were deflating because we were constantly reminded that there wasn't enough time.  DJ Roy, you said, "We don't have this problem," backstage at the Jerk Festival.  True, your people performed but we couldn't enjoy the show because of the time. This is my third Irie Jamboree.  Last year's had a better flow and overall it was a much better event.


Maybe the Irie jamboree team was trying too hard to impress the Japanese media or the BET media, but they were not, and they did not, do a good job of impressing the foundation, the people who come out year after year, to make the show big enough for all them people close to the stage to get a better, closer more personal view of the performers; more than the paying foundation.  Next year, Jah willing, I will not be at Irie Jamboree.  I will take a break from the whole Labor Day weekend and go explore some other cultural happenings somewhere else in the world.

Mi deh yah now!



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